Hey everybody!
I am writing this as I watch the movers load the second batch of stuff out of my Walnut Creek house so that it can be taken back to Burbank. Last night, I worked on the new site for a whopping 15 minutes before collapsing in an exausted heap at the foot of my bed. I still have no idea how to change the colors on the site, or add a custom banner, or anything. Tyler Martin, if you are out there, please write me back, as I need HELP! This web design crap is hard and there is nothing easy about ComicPress. If only TypePad would make a more Webcomic friendly template.... Oh well. If any one else out there can help me, lemme know!
In more strip related news,
Hi John, Maybe this can help:
Posted by: Larry Levine | May 29, 2008 at 10:52 AM
Maybe you need a consultant?
Try one of the people on that list, might be able to help you. I'd recommend Brian Gardner, designs great templates and usually likes to help people out.
Posted by: Lyndon | May 29, 2008 at 11:19 AM
Hey John, good luck sorting the website out. I wish I could lend a hand but I haven't got a clue either!
I hope the move back to Burbank goes well and that you can tell us the strip related news soon! ;)
Posted by: Gareth | May 31, 2008 at 12:17 PM
This is why I hired someone to re-code my Wordpress site.
Posted by: C.Edwards | June 03, 2008 at 04:28 AM
Hey thanks for all the info guys!!!
Sorry for the incomplete nature of the above post, but I wrote it on my iphone, and accidentally published it early. The strip news is that I have been writiing and have come up with and end to the current storyline. I'll get to that as soon as my move is done. I have also written enough new stuff to launch the new site and avoid re-runs. BETTER stuff. I may have to resort to the occasional flashback to clue the new readers in, but I think that might be fun.
Stay tuned!!!
Posted by: John | June 04, 2008 at 02:28 AM
Hi John, Sounds like a great game plan.
Between the new job a DreamWorks & the grand return of Chippy & Loopus--2008 is going to be a very creative & exciting year!!!
Posted by: Larry Levine | June 05, 2008 at 07:47 AM
E-mail me when you get to Burbank! I'm dying to chat with you! Clive four four four at mac dot com! Woo hoo!
Posted by: Ken Bruce | June 05, 2008 at 10:43 AM
I applaud fresh starts in all aspects of life. If you feel you need a format change to get a new start on your world, by all means! I like the strip as it is, but I understand getting lost in a story. How about the Dallas scenario? One of the characters wakes up, and realizes the previous stuff was all a dream. Or the weirder St. Elsewhere, where a little autistic kid was dreaming the whole series up as he stared into a snow-globe. No one has ever beaten that for weird!
Posted by: Chris Sanders | June 14, 2008 at 11:42 AM
Hey Larry! Yes indeed, there are a lot of things in the works. I believe I have found a highly capable web designer for the new site and hope to have it up sometime in July. Stay tuned, as I will be finishing the current story line here as soon as I dig my way out of all these boxes.
Kenny! I'll call you! Let's do CPK!!!!
Chris! You are the only other person I know who remembers that bizarro ending to what was otherwise a pretty good show. I remembers feeling really cheated, and then thinking "well, I didn't see that coming. It was better than that cop out Sopranos ending, or the über weird ending of "the Prisoner". Any one remember that?
Posted by: John | June 14, 2008 at 10:06 PM
Sorry to hear your having such a hard time, I agree with you about wordpress and comicpress, everyone makes it sound easy, but its damn hard! Im going through the same problems trying to figure out a good way to post my webcomic Im working on, if i make any progress or breakthroughs I will send on the info.
Good luck, love the comic!
Posted by: Paulo | June 15, 2008 at 11:09 PM
I saw the ending to the prisoner not long ago. It's even stranger when you haven't seen any of the series before it! My only prior knowledge of the prisoner came from a quote at the start of the Iron Maiden song of the same name.
Oh btw John, I've been reading Kurt Vonnegut after you mentioned him on this blog ages ago, and all I can say is thank you so much for bringing him to my attention. He is great. I'm currently reading through everything I can get my hands on, although he is surprisingly hard to find here in the UK book shops.
Hi Ho.
Posted by: Gareth | June 25, 2008 at 01:34 AM
how was it? i'm a bit late here, i know you had a great time on it. congratulations and good luck!
Posted by: Nursing top | July 01, 2010 at 07:28 PM