It's ugly, and there are still a few bugs to worked out, but as of today, I have imported all the strips from the old Phloo! blog and all the strips from this blog INCLUDING comments to!!!
Now, the site is not much to look at, but don't blame Nicolette, blame me. There is a very good explanation for not only this, but my absence for the past few months.
Back in October, Nicolette was working on the site like crazy. Slowly but surely, I was sending her artwork to be included in the site. Then, work got outrageously busy, AND the house I've been trying to sell for the past 10 months ACTUALLY sold...for about $60,000 less than I owe on it. This means we had to go into a short sale. I will not bore you with any further details. If you want to know what a short sale is, look it up. They are happening all over this great nation of ours due to the fact that the economy is in the toilet (Thanks GW!! Don't let the door hit you in the ass!) Anyway, I stopped working on the strip AND the site, and when I started again, I couldn't get a hold of Nicolette. She's probably angry, and rightfully so, and has most likely moved on to other projects. If you are reading this, I am deeply sorry, Nic. Shoot me an e-mail if you wish! I'd love to hear from you.
Anyhow, I've decided to get the strip going and the site up no matter what, and with the help of some online tutorials and some nice tech support people, the site actually works...kinda. You will notice that a few of the strips are cut off. In order to see them in their entirety, just click on them and they will appear in a pop-up window all nice and pretty.
New strips will appear soon, as well as a brand spanking new Banner!!!
In the meantime, I took some pictures of my desk with a bunch of the new strips piled on it, as well as a few process shots. Hope you like them.
See you soon!
Go check out!!! Click through the archives! It's fun!
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